Monday, June 22, 2009

5 Reasons You're Not Making Money on the Internet

With all the people making money on the internet why it you are having such a tough time of it? More and more people are turning to the internet as a means to make money yet many are still frustrated by their lack of success. Marketing products or services online usually requires a website, some advertising, and of course buying customers. Well you've got the website and you're advertising so why isn't anybody buying from you?

If your desire is to make money online there are certain things you'll need to do to make yours a successful business.

Here's a review of the top 5 mistakes many unknowingly commit reducing their ability to make money online.

Lack of Focus on the Customer

When marketing online it is good to let your customers know a little about you to breed some familiarity. However don't get carried away with this approach by making yourself the focus of your website or promotional materials.

Marketing online is about appealing to the buyer, reaching out to and identifying with their wants and needs. Frankly the customer is not interested in how great you are or what you accomplished. They're more interested in what's in it for them or how they will benefit.

Failure to Build a List

Collecting the names of people who have visited your website is crucial in building your business. List building is one of the most important things you can do when promoting anything online.

It takes time and effort to get people to your site. By incorporating some sort of list building effort to capture their names you'll save yourself a lot of additional work in the future.

Inconsistent Email Marketing Campaign

Capturing names that visit your website is not enough if you plan to monetize this list. Consistent follow-up with people on your email list is important so you can build a relationship with them. Once this relationship is established it is easier to market goods and services to them.

Don't collect names and then just let them 'stagnate' by failing to contact them on a regular basis.

Lack of Persistence

It is the exception and not the rule that after just a few exposures to your marketing efforts a 'prospect' will actually make a purchase. You must plan on repeated follow-up with your customer list before you get anyone to buy anything from you. You must be persistent!

Not Asking for the Order

Promote, promote, promote, and then ask for the order. Don't be shy about since this is why you started marketing online in the first place. You don't ask you don't get, plain and simple!

If your goal is to make money on the internet your personal efforts and insights will be required. Sure a website and advertising is going to be needed to make money but there are other factors to consider. Marketing products and services also calls for additional efforts from you to motivate your customers into buying. With a little resolve and willingness to go the extra mile there's no reason you can't make your internet business a successful business that will earn you a good income.

About the Author:
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For additional Money Making Tips and a free guide that demonstrates how to find both profitable markets and products visit:http://blogbrawn/

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